zondag 14 november 2010

Secret to Successful New Product Innovation: Keep the Boss Out of It !

What defines whether new consumer packaged goods (CPG) products see plenty of success or not? Many different theories are already being revealed about product innovation, but now the Nielsen Company has shocked the CPG world by adding a new theory. They issue that senior management involvement in early  innovation stages inflict damage to the process!
While exploring the key factor to innovation success, the Nielsen Company, an American media conglomerate, noticed that influence of senior CEO’s in the innovation process shrink free-thinking and boundary less ideas. But what has CPG companies have to do then, eliminate fat cats out of the process and give free play to blue skies?
On the one hand, along the research company, several surveys show that only being in the neighbourhood of corporate headquarters would stifle new original ideas. Therefore an off-site blue sky innovation team reports the best results. However, on the other hand,  management strengths are needed as well in order to manage the development process, but not the ideas themselves. To conclude the Nielsen Company manifests that an inspiring environment should create creativity among the employees so that innovation doesn’t need input off blue sky teams or senior management to succeed, but arrives like a bolt of lightning out of the sky.


Thibaud Tack
Groep 7

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