zondag 14 november 2010

Ethical banks favour the Earth… and your money!

In these days of  pollution and degradation of the environment, the quest is started between making money as well as preserving nature. Ethical banks provide the solution. Although, these ethical financial institutions are having difficulties with taking off.

When people go to an ordinary bank to open a savings account, the greater part of them is not aware that this bank can invest in companies that don’t agree with their opinion. With the same guarantees, conditions and interest rate an ethical bank can use your money to support a ‘green’ project, in which you feel comfortable. One of those banks provided help to build up a wind farm in Watchfield, others are putting pressure on BP.

We can say that the “dark green” funds are very strict and won’t invest in companies that could do any harm to the environment or the community. The “light green” funds, however, will seek out nature-friendly options which can ameliorate the operation procedure of companies.

The blog “Bubble-maker receives innovation award” from Lennert Thomas tells us that biofuels can be the future in our fight to preserve nature. It’s obvious that such a massive change requires a lot of money. In my opinion it would be very interesting if we would choose for ethical financial institutions so they can make such an investment.

Although most people nowadays are still thinking that investing ethically comes along with making less money. As a result, ethical finance only dominates just 1% of the entire UK investment market. Nevertheless, ethical investments are doing well over the past 12 months.

Matthias Sterckx,
Group 7

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