An existence without aircraft is unthinkable, but are those giant paraffin drinking air monsters also very efficient? Many technology experts are developing high-tech devices which can upgrade their possibilities.
First of all, pilots are utilizing the pin-point precision of the GPS. With a brand-new software, they can draw a 3D map of the terrain around them. The GPS updates their position in this virtual world continuously. It is a lot faster and more precise than the radar sweeps of the air-traffic controllers.
NASA wants to go even further, by introducing an infrared video camera in the nose of the plane, which makes it possible to see through the clouds. To put this into practice, developers want to use helmet-like displays. This allows the pilots to look through their windows as well as getting all the vital flight information. Airports located in dangerous terrain or suffering from bad weather can be tracked. As a result, these systems can prevent extra pollution, retardation and unsafe landings.
Finally, the crew can share all this data with the ground stations and other aircraft by using the ADS-B system. With this handy device, pilots can anticipate on changing weather conditions and can consider to use another traffic flow.
I’m sure that these cutting-edge technologies, as well as the technical innovations of BMW presented by Dieter Slowack, will save many lives.