zondag 21 november 2010

The “NextGen” aircraft.

An existence without aircraft is unthinkable, but are those giant paraffin drinking air monsters also very efficient? Many technology experts are developing high-tech devices which can upgrade their possibilities.

First of all, pilots are utilizing the pin-point precision of the GPS. With a brand-new software, they can draw a 3D map of the terrain around them. The GPS updates their position in this virtual world continuously. It is a lot faster and more precise than the radar sweeps of the air-traffic controllers.

NASA wants to go even further, by introducing an infrared video camera in the nose of the plane, which makes it possible to see through the clouds. To put this into practice, developers want to use helmet-like displays. This allows the pilots to look through their windows as well as getting all the vital flight information. Airports located in dangerous terrain or suffering from bad weather can be tracked. As a result, these systems can prevent extra pollution, retardation and unsafe landings.

Finally, the crew can share all this data with the ground stations and other aircraft by using the ADS-B system. With this handy device, pilots can anticipate on changing weather conditions and can consider to use another traffic flow.

I’m sure that these cutting-edge technologies, as well as the technical innovations of BMW presented by Dieter Slowack, will save many lives.

Why companies should go green, but often they don’t?

 Only referring to the blog where scientists had discovered a method to gain biofuel from whisky products, several earlier blogs have already proven that a popular way to innovate is finding new, undiscovered, manners to act “green”. Nowadays, there is nobody who can deny the climate change, however, many CEO’s doubt about taking the green path, and, apparently, they are wrong! It’s time for companies to go green!                                                          
 The most common reason why entrepreneurs reject green initiatives is thinking that such a project would have a negative effect on them. And we can’t blame them, as many organisations end up in the green slump, trying to cope with green projects and making less progress than wanted and required.                                                                                              
  When we look to the motives why companies go green, “the image of the company” hits the top of the leader board. Nevertheless, while taking measures, the projects also have to add value to the company, and that is often the snare. Therefore a sort of measurement system, like the green score card, is needed to assist companies in evaluating their green projects. Such a results based focus should add value economically, as well as environmentally and socially                                                                                                                                                      
 Even Walmart, the largest retailer, started focussing on the green issue the last lean years. And with reason, by reducing their huge energy costs, they managed to provide low prices while staying profitable and helping their costumer trough tough times.                                       
 To conclude, in my opinion green projects save the company serious money, in condition that their strategy to innovate and create value is well managed. 

Thibaud Tack
Groep 7

The Google Slam: A Hidden Innovation!

 Didn’t you also notice that it was quite calm among Google’s innovations? No new tools such as Google Image, Google Instant, or Google Earth in the past. Always the same front page, the same features, I felt like Google was becoming outmoded. Well, was I making a mistake, it seems Google was waiting for that one original, almost ingenious, idea : The Google Slam! At first sight an ordinary game, but, wow, it is way more than just a game!                           
 The concept like Google tells us is that “Google Slam” is a website where users al around the world can post videos showing how they use the Google tools. The purpose is to explain the arduous Google technology so that people who haven’t got an extensively technological knowledge also can employ these tools. And by making a competition of it, the search giant only encourages more people to record themselves and post their interesting and unexpected ideas.                                                                                                    
 So far what Google related us. I believe that it is a brilliant strategy of Google to, on the one hand, solve mainstream problems and, on the other hand, address new markets. For instance, the market of people who first thought Google was too difficult.                             
 And when we look even further, and we think how many innovations most often start, namely by bringing together existing tools, these different ways of using Google could burst into an new innovation, an innovation that all unknowing users around the world created for google. 

Thibaud Tack
Groep 7

Microsoft's game console Kinect

The perception of gaming has evolved during the past years from a solitary occupation to a more pleasant, intensive and more social form of gaming. Also the most recent gaming system of Microsoft, Kinect, which is compatible with all Xbox 360 games console, can only emphasize this evolution.

Competing with Sony’s Playstation Move and the Wii of Nintendo, Microsoft has created, after three years of development, the new gaming system Kinect. With the Kinect gaming system, motions of the gamers are getting observed by the hi-tech camera and these motions are getting projected into on-screen movement. This way the gamer can navigate for example his character in the game by moving around in the living room.

The Kinect is also voice-controlled, meaning that the gamer can stipulate what the controller does by giving verbal orders. Another special application is the multiplayer option, different players can log on by simple appearing in front of the hi-tech camera.

In my opinion this technology still has a lot of potential and possibilities to be applied in other accessories like the mouse or the television remote control. We can also conclude that this game console opens a door to a new age of gaming.

Dieter Slowack, Groep 7

Source: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/microsoft/8107915/Microsoft-Kinect-and-the-future-of-gaming.html

The advantages of frugal innovation

Reverse innovation or ‘frugal’ innovation is a new and very popular form of innovation. It combines low costs and latest technologies to become tough products that are easy to use.
Moreover, frugal often  means less impact on the environment.

As a matter of fact, this constraint-based innovation takes the needs of poor consumers as a starting point. They stress the bare essentials rather than adding more bells and whistles. So I think it’s clear that this kind of innovation is very budget-minded.
Companies are forced to accept thin profit margins to reach more customers. Of course, a cost reduction is indispensable. Therefore, several methods can be used: from outsourcing more work to applying mass-production techniques. Perhaps, a combination of different methods would be most successful.

Recent studies have proven that the amount of frugal products on the market is growing quickly. China and India in particular, are using this sort of innovation frequently. In those countries, most frugal innovations are produced to face health problems such as heart diseases, contaminated water, etc.

Another type of innovation that is very popular, especially in China, is called ‘bandit’ innovation. Talented innovators abuse the weak property rights to produce legal copies of high-tech innovations. In that way, they attempt to reach a bigger target group than their legitimate opponents.

I am firmly convinced that this way of innovation will know great success. Blog entries such as ‘biofuel made by whisky products’ and ‘bubble-maker receives innovation award’ show that this kind of innovation is already penetrated in a few industries. 

Lennert Thomas

zaterdag 20 november 2010

The art of innovation.

We are living in a world where innovation is the key to success. According to John Maeda, that is all about combining science with art.

This design and technology expert claims that the human experience is always the direct or indirect cause of innovation. Those human experiences in turn are the result of the engagement with arts, for example listening to music or observing a painting. By putting art in a laboratory, the more sensitive and humanistic part of the scientist will be touched. As a result, innovation will happen more naturally.

Furthermore, he uses the example of Apple’s iPod. The ordinary MP3 player already existed in all kind of shapes and colors for quite a long time, until Steve Jobs made it more exciting by modifying the look. Finally, he created a device that everyone wanted to have and easily could integrate in their lifestyle.

Lennert Thomas and Dieter Slowack discussed in their previous blogs the success of biofuel and green cars. However, to my way of thinking, it isn’t so much the biofuel that is the main advantage to the people, but the futuristic and desirable design of those eccentric cars.

Matthias Sterckx,

Group 7

BMW's technical innovations

In order to improve road safety BMW has recently, in collaboration with other institutes, universities and companies, revealed two technical innovations : the child-recognition system and the heart attack victim scheme.

The child-recognition system is a system that is based on two elements. First of all, the potential traffic victims, especially children, wear a small radio frequency transponder, which they can carry around with them for example in their backpack. Furthermore, the BMW’s are equipped with a Doppler system which can recognize and predict the exact location and movement of the person wearing the transponder. If the Doppler system determinates a potential collision danger, the driver’s attention gets drawn by a security signal and the car starts to slow down and may even stop if the circumstances acquire such a measure.

The second innovation of BMW is the heart attack victim scheme, in which potential victims, like sporty people and people who have health problems, have to wear a pulse detecting bracelet which sends information about their pulse to the car’s software.

When a coronary occurs, the heart attack victim scheme activates the GPS, accurate digital maps and cameras, which cooperate in order to stipulate the exact location of the car. Then when the position of the car is located, the ultrasonic blind spots gets activated to conclude whether the next lane is free and this way the car steers to the hard shoulder, after which the car starts to brake and stops. Finally the in-built car telephone automatically calls the emergency services.

In my opinion these two innovations, which have to wait a few years before their introduction in the market, can have positive effects in the future on the rate of road injuries and can only lead to more road safety and a safer environment.

Dieter Slowack groep 7

Source : http://www.telegraph.co.uk/motoring/road-safety/8073030/BMW-technical-innovations-review.html